Monday, March 4, 2013


Pantry Challenge 2013 is officially behind me! (At least the first one is...I may do this again later in the year.)  My last week of the challenge was a good one with me being WAY under my budget spend amount & sticking to the menu plan.  

Our spending for the week came in at $16.11. (CVS - $0 OOP/used gift card, $11.xx Kroger & $5.xx Dollar General)

Unfortunately, I still haven't cleaned up my stockpile area the way I wanted to but it turned out to be a very busy week with an even busier weekend.   Friday we took down the wallpaper in our bedroom & started painting only to be interrupted Saturday morning with a pipe leaking in our laundry room.   We didn't get back to painting until yesterday so it literally took all weekend.

I'm okay with that though.  It will remain on my to-do list till it gets finished.  

Even with that there are several good things that came out of this pantry challenge like reminding myself how valuable a menu is and how important eating breakfast every morning can be.  Plus my grocery budget is looking pretty good right now. 

I hope that you enjoyed my updates & will consider joining me for the next Pantry Challenge! 
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